Whitening for Life - Don't Miss This Offer!
Dr. James Spalenka, DDS is proud to offer our patients Whitening for Life! We pride ourselves on the smiles that leave our practice. We also pride ourselves on knowing our patients are maintaining the best possible oral health. Professional Whitening for Life was developed for those patients that are already taking their dental health seriously, and as an incentive for those who need a little help keeping up with their dental care. The patient will receive custom made, professional, take home whitening trays and gel for personal use.
As with any program, there is always fine print, but the details are simple. Below is a list of the details for the Whitening for Life program. At your next appointment, a qualified staff member will explain in detail and have you read and sign the necessary forms to participate.
Dental Office Responsibilities:
- Dr. Spalenka's staff will make whitening trays for any of our current patients that are 18 years and older that are medically and dentally able to receive teeth whitening following a regular cleaning and exam. For new patients,
- Whitening for Life is free with a paid exams and x-rays. (Free whitening offer cannot be combined with any other coupons or specials.)
- The patient will be scheduled for custom impressions of their teeth, after which the whitening trays will be ready for pick-up within 2 week.
- Our helpful staff will deliver the custom made trays along with 2 syringes of whitening gel. Patients will be given instructions on the proper usage and answer any patient questions or concerns.
- Regardless of your cancelation history in our office prior to July 2014, we will allow all patients to participate in this great program, unless health conditions do not allow it. A clean slate is always nice to everyone.
Patient Responsibilities:
- You must be a current patient on our active files, and should have a cleaning and exam prior to the impression appointment.
- Patients must keep their regular scheduled cleaning exams and x-ray appointments.
- If a change comes in your schedule, we require a 48 hours' notice so other patients can be served during your previously scheduled appointment. We will require that you schedule within 4 weeks of the preciously scheduled appointment date.
- One whitening gel syringe will be rewarded at each cleaning appointment. Additional syringes can be purchased for $15.00.
- Lost or destroyed trays will be replaced at a cost of $50.00 (per tray) to the patient.
- Should any of the rules fail to be met, you will be disqualified from the program but will be provided to re-enroll for a $50.00 reactivation fee. In office whitening available for additional fee.